Monday, November 21, 2011

Some More Weird/Cool Facts

 Taken from:

Did you know that in just about every species of mammal, the female lives longer than the male?

Did you know that the average tastebud lives only 10 days before it dies and is replaced by a new one? 

Did you know that on some Caribbean islands, the oysters can climb trees?

Did you know that it is possible to go blind from smoking too heavily?  

Did you know that no one knows where Mozart is buried? 

 Did you know that termites eat wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music?(what the heck?! >XD)

Did you know the liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma?

 Did you know that one quarter of the human brain is used to control the eyes?
 Did you know that during his or her lifetime, the average human will grow 590 miles of hair?

 It is said that the Jack-o-lantern was an Irish tradition. The story tells of Jack who tricked Satan into climbing a tree. He carved a cross into the tree and the Devil begged Jack to let him down because he could not take the sight of the cross anymore. After Jacks death, he refused Heaven because of his evil ways, yet was denied Hell by the devil for tricking him as well. Instead, the devil gave Jack a single ember to find his way through the darkness with. The ember was inserted into a turnip to keep it glowing longer. After the Irish came to America, they opted using pumpkins instead of turnips because the pumpkins were more efficient in keeping the ember lit.

 Did you know that you can't create a folder called 'con' in Microsoft Windows!? It's really true! Try it! (I tried it; it didn't work. xD WOW.)

Did you know that most liquid laundry detergents are alive with living organisms that help to break down stains!? 

 Did you know that mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue twice as much as any other color?

 Did you know that one out of 20 people have an extra rib?

 Did you know the fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene? 

 Did you know that it is now possible to print human skin with an inkjet printer!? 

 Did you know that Mexican Jumping Beans jump because of moth larvae inside them?

 Did you know vaccines contain formaldehyde, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (disinfectant / pesticide), and aluminum? 

 Did you know that of all things, Andrew Jackson’s tombstone does not mention that he served as the president of the United States?!

 Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch procejt at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe! (AWESOME. I COULD TOTALLY READ THAT >:D)

Did you know that lima beans contain cyanide!?

 Did you know that by feeding hens certain dyes they can be made to lay eggs with varicolored yolks?

 Did you know that you inhale about 700,000 of your own skin flakes each day?(EWWW.)

 Did you know that if you are bitten by a poisonous snake, and fail to receive medical attention, you still have a 50% chance of survival?

 Did you know that the average human body contains enough iron to make a small nail? 

 Did you know that vultures fly without flapping their wings!? (probably glide some birds do that when they get tired of flapping)

Did you know that months that begin on a Sunday will always have a 'Friday the 13th'? (HOLY CR@P.)

You know where the term "Running like a chicken with it's head cut off" came from right? The Chicken meets its fate when the owner of the farm decides to have chicken for dinner and then after the axe comes down on the feathered meal's neck it runs around for a few minutes until it eventualy bleeds to death. Yes I believe we all know this. BUT. Did you know that the longest recorded chicken to live without it's head was named Miracle Mike? He lived for around ONE AND A HALF YEARS AFTER his head was removed! ( WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED OF THIS?! WAIIIIIIIII.)

So how was Mike able to survive? Scientists examined him and determined that the hungry owners had not done a very good job at chopping Mike's head off. Most of the head was actually removed, but one ear remained intact. The slice actually missed the jugular vein and a clot prevented him from bleeding to death. Apparently, most of a chicken's reflex actions are located in the brain stem, which was also largely untouched. (WAT. WAT. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-)

True Story: Debby Mills-Newbroughton, 99 years old, was killed as she crossed the road. She was to turn 100 the next day, but crossing the road with her daughter to go to her own birthday party her wheel chair was hit by the truck delivering her birthday cake. (...GETTING RUN OVER TRYING TO STEAL SOMEONES TIRES BY THE GUY STEALING THE CAR lol)

 Did you know that the murder capital of the world is Colombia where the murder rate is ten times higher than that in the united states? Less than 2% of the murders there are ever investigated and less than 2% of those that are investigated are ever solved. (Funny, I was just watching comedy tv and one of the comedians were from colombia and she talked about how you can murder people there and get away with it xD)

 Did you know that men successfully commit suicide three times more frequently than women do? Women, however,  attempt suicide two to three times more often than men. ( I guess us females are ST00P1D 8D)

 Did you know that the average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night? 

 Did you know that there are more people alive today than have ever died?!(SRSLY. WE ARE OVERPOPULATING THE EARTH. USING UP ELECTRICITY AND NATURAL RESOURCES AND ALL THAT SHIZZ.)

Did you know that until the 1950s, Tibetans disposed of their dead by taking the body up a hill, hacking it into little pieces, and feeding the remains to the birds?(One word. CUH-REEPY lol creepy)

 Did you know that if you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die?(why did you have to tell me that? ;w; then again just to sneeze you have one whole station in your brain)

 Did you know that the infamous Black Plague in Europe was due in part to the fact that people believed those with cats were witches. So all the cats were rounded up, caged and burned, leaving the rats (with their disease causing parasites) to run free and multiply. Those harboring cats were many who survived?

You know  the saying called the last laugh? A bullet shot through a victim's heart sometimes precipitates a final laugh before death.

 Did you know that Elephants have been known to remain standing after they die?

 Did you know that Beelzebub, another name for the devil, is Hebrew for Lord of the Flies, and this is where the book's title comes from?

 Did you know that Apart from its vulnerability to fire, human hair is almost impossible to destroy. It decays at a very slow rate, so slow that is almost non-disintegrative. It can't be destroyed by cold, change of climate, water, etc., and it is resistant to many kinds of acids and corrosive materials?

 Did you know that Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously?

 Did you know that foods  increase in nutritional value as they decompose?(Yes, it's also why I try to chew my food more.)

Did you know that a scorpion could survive for three weeks if it was embedded in a block of ice?

 Did you know that Albert Einstein's last words will never be known? He spoke them in German, and the attending nurse did not speak German.

 Did you know that on average people fear spiders more than they do death. (THAT'S ME, BRO.)

Did you know that in the 1800's photographs of dead children were often published in collections and called "Sleeping Beauties"?(Creepy, but interesting.)

Did you know that the Ebola virus kills 4 out of every 5 humans it infects?(I don't even know what that is. 8D)

Did you know that 10 percent of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment?

 Did you know that men have more blood than women? Men have 1.5 gallons versus .875 gallons for women.(THAT'S NOT RIGHT. >:U)

Did you know that a rat can go without water longer than a camel can?

 Did you know that Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate syrup to simulate blood going down the drain in the famous shower scene in "Psycho"?

 Did you know that  Al Capone's business card said that he was a used furniture dealer?

 Did you know that by some unknown means, an iguana possesses the ability to end its own life?(... ಠ___ಠ )

 Did you know that Certain frogs can be frozen solid then thawed, and continue living?

 Did you know that If you take one pound of cobwebs and spread them out in one straight line, it will go around the earth 2 times?

 Did you know that when opossums are playing 'possum, they are not playing? They actually pass out from sheer terror.

 Did you know that the reason for male shirts having the buttons are on the right side, and female shirts the left side is because in Victorian times, the men were right handed and buttoned their own shirts, but women had a maid to dress them and the buttons were on the correct side for the maids to do up? 

 Did you know that you can have a permanent record of snowflakes if you freeze a piece of glass and some hairspray before the next snowfall? (Both may be stored in the freezer until you need them.) When you're ready to collect some snowflakes, spray your chilled glass with the chilled hairspray and go outside and let some snowflakes settle on the glass. When you have enough flakes bring the glass indoors and allow it to thaw at room temperature for about 15 min. Now you have a permanent record of your snowflakes!

 Did you know that the electric chair was invented by a dentist?

 Did you know that bats always turn left when exiting a cave?

 Did you know that a group of crows is called a murder?

 Did you know that 2,500 lefties die each year using products designed for righties? 

Did you know that being left handed is a brain defect? (I added this one in, the others aren't mine.)

Did you know that lefties are twins who consumed their twin before birth? (I also added this one in. )

 Black metal band Mayhem was forever committed to infamy when  lead singer, “Death” committed suicide in 1991. Immediately upon discovering the body of their comrade, the band's initial conclusion was to snap a photo of the body for later use as cover art to one of their later releases, the Dawn of the Black Hearts LP. Hellhammer (another Mayhem bandmate) reputedly gathered Death's skull fragments, and fashioned a necklace from them, while Euronymous (also of the band Mayhem) cooked a stew of the remaining brain matter. (THAT'S MESSED UP.)

Did you know that if you have your head chopped off (all the rage this season) you can expect seven seconds of consciousness before all the blood drains from your brain.  You would have time to view the world from a bodiless perspective. (HOLY CR@P! Wait... I just said that earlier.)

Regarding the case of Jack The Ripper: Did you know that in this notorious case of serial murder, there were only 5 confirmed victims? The suspects in this case far out-numbered the victims at 19 (including Prince Albert Victor and Lewis Carroll )!

 Did you know that a person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation? Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Old History

Basically what I'm going to be writing about is the history of my story; Shades of Grey. It was originally created in 2009; I was into Tokyo Mew Mew and Sailor Moon, all those things. I was also into SOUL EATER though. So, I made some weird girly transforming story. It was named Heroes Rising. My character Christopher was actually based off of Soul; thus, his white hair and red eyes, but he started to change; so did my story. I started getting into things with more action; Bleach, Naruto, all that other mainstream crap. (no offense xD the stuff bores me now although I do like drrr!!! and Beelzebub) So, another story change. The process repeated; my characters changed. Christopher had white hair with one blue eye, one green. Pure white hair. He would transform into some kinda demon thing with red eyes. 2010; him AND my story (also the other characters) changed.It was labeled Black Rose. New ones were added too. Originally there was Chris, Sianah(brown hair blue eyes), Nathey(black hair pink eyes), and Minnie(blonde blue eyes glasses). In 2010, I added twins. They didn't have names and never did until this year. That will be discussed later. They had black hair, but one had pink eyes, the other blue. I made changes because they looked too much like Nathey, they had mixed eyes, blue and pink. The story was still some transforming girl thing, but it had some action. I was really confused with the plot so I changed it into something else. Adding LOTS more characters too. I added Aoshi, Saito, Jin, Satoshi, Yumi, Rin, and Tatsuda. I also took out Nathey because no matter how hard I tried she just became dead weight. She was supposed to be Sianah's sister. I changed Sianah to Sayuri, and Chris to Kazuhiro. I was obssessed with Japanese names, manga, and anime. Put it simply, I was a fangirl. I've changed; I have a different point of view now. During the end of 2010 is when I REALLY started getting somewhere. The storyline had more ground to it, the characters developed a lot more, but I wasn't quite finished yet. Imet Auburn and "the crew". Auburn and I started talking about my story. I named it black rose because there was a "black division" and a "white division", I still have it in my story. Anyway, she created characters of her own(yuuka akane and i think some twins). I added them to the story as background characters. I also started to adjust the story AGAIN. Also, since Yuuka was added I changed Yumi. She was originally a quite girl while pale red hair and pale green eyes. I changed it to pale purple and green or blue. (Can't remember.) That design was changed to being Yumi's sister. Yumi had long purple hair and gold eyes. She was a tomboy. Total opposite of her 'sister'. In 2011 (currently) I was finally finished with its creation, yet there was a couple of bits missing in the story, but I added those in already. Chris had  white hair, different colored eyes(09). Then white hair and red eyes(09-10). Then GREY HAIR and red eyes(2010). Then SILVER HAIR and red eyes(2010-11). He was shy and quiet. Then, he turned into a JERK.  (lol) (Chris: DID NOT >:C) Although, he did have a softer side to him. Then, I changed it so that he was simply confused. He had been emotionally scarred and it changed his outlook on the way things were. It also made it so that he had become irritated, emotional, and easily scared. It was somewhat dramatic until I toned it down a bit. Originally it was some type of love story/ action, but it was in August of this year that it started to become a little dark. It kept going until it changed and it had become darker. This process kept repeating until this month. This month when the story took a TOTAL TURN from ANY OF ITS OTHER VERSIONS. It had become a romance/horror. Not your typical murder/ bloody type of thing. No, something morbid, something you would actually have to SEARCH for to find. Something behind the curtains of the real story. Example: Walk Two Moons. Some people say that there's a possibility that Phoebe isn't real. In my story there are little details that seem normal;average, until you REALLY looked into it. That's when it became evil. That's what my story evolved into. I've already begun on a couple of pages which I will scan in the future. See you later~!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lol educatiooooooooooon and unducational, but interesting things c:

Did you know?

Zeus had an affair with Ganymede?

A single silk strand is half a mile long?

The Grand Canal is the biggest man-made waterway in the world?

The Great Wall of China was originally different pieces of walls?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lol mail

Oh my gosh, there was a delivery man who came to our door and he came to drop something off, so he says it's for someone named "Rosalie". I ask him to check the address and it's correct. I check the name and it's my mother's maiden name, so I guess my grandmother or my aunt had a package. He wants someone to sign so I get my aunt and she's not answering. I make him wait for a couple of minutes and I go back, so he just has me sign. SORRY MAIL-MAN XD

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I have just gotten my computer back [well it's actually been a couple months]. [yey] I've also moved into a house. I kinda miss my old apartment though, I've been living there for SEVEN YEARS. Really long time. XD I've also been getting into Criminal Minds. It's awesome! :3 I've also been working on my drawing skills. You can see a bit here. I don't know what else to say so I'll post later.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Alternate Story

I am working on a story called My Broken Wings, and it's supposed to be a web-comic, but since my computer is undergoing repairs I have been writing an alternate story using some  of the same characters, only with a tweaked personality and age. Chris being 20 [in human years, he's a demon] and being sadistic, not to mention evil, while the original Chris is 16. Now, the original is actually part demon and part fallen angel. Of course, these are defined as the same things, but in my story they are not, partially anyway. There are "types" of demons. In my story there are four types. Since I do not have the time to explain let's just say he's type one and two mixed together. Chris is also sensitive, and nice in the original story, the polar opposite of the one in the alternate story. Serena however, stays relatively the same, only much more mature, bot surprising considering she is 19[again human years] in the alternate story. She is 13 in the original story. In the original story she is also part human and angel. Now, on with what I originally intended, to show you the first part of the rough draft.

Serena walked through the gloomy hallway looking at the cells with two guards following behind her. As she looked at the cells she shook her head in disappointment until eventually she stopped at a cell with a figure slumped in the corner. The figure looked up at her and got up on it’s feet. He appeared to be male. He was fairly tall, 71 inches, and he had long silver hair that stopped near the edge of his jaw and his cheeks, and his eyes were a bloody red color. His pupils were thin slits in the pools of red that surrounded them. He was also a little thin, but had a slightly wide frame, and he wore a faded gray shirt and dark blue jeans along with a chain necklace with an amber stone at the end of it that was at least as big as a quarter. She glanced at his wrists. There were dark stonish-gray bracelets with strange blue writing on them. ‘Magic restricting cuffs’, she thought. She told the two guards to back off a little and she stepped towards the cell.
“Hello, there angel”. He smiled.
    She shivered. The way that he said angel chilled her down to the bone. Then she said, “I have a proposal for you”.
“Oh? Now what would that be?”, he replied.
“I want you to help me with something”, she lowered her voice when she said this, and stood a little closer to him. “My sister disappeared a week ago. No one knows when, why, or how. There was a note left on her dresser; You know who we are. You know what we want. Come find us. I have an idea about who they are. I want you to help me find her and act as my bodyguard. So, are you in?”
His pupils contracted into small, black slivers. “What’s in it for me?”
She sighed. “I thought you would say that. I apologize for all I can offer is your freedom.”
“Hmph. Fair enough. I’ll do it”, he replied.
She stared at him and said,”Really?”
“Why not? Getting out of this hell-hole is better than doing nothing all day!”, he spoke.
She turned her head back to the guards, glanced at him and back. “Let him out.”
One took a pair of keys and stepped towards his cell. He unlocked it while the other guard stood around her cautiously. The first one unlocked the cell and slowly took off his binding bracelets.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Computer problems

I was going to add some stuff on here but my computer os broken. (TwT) They had to ship it out so it won't be back for a while, but even so I don't have internet anymore. D8

I'll still be posting writing though. :3

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Random Moment

Just now I went to lock the door. In my way was the couch, so I jumped over it. To my suprise when I jumped on the couch my foot went right through a hole in the couch. Strange, huh?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh me... :3

I have a deviantart. It's xXmoonXx44. I probably won't write for a while. It depends. :3

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

These are the results I got on an are you insane test :D

Hyper - You always need to do something and always need to say something and your concentration span is VERY limited. You should cut out the caffeine and take a nice long bath where you can just RELAX.
Wildthing - You've got a lot more madness and energy than most people, and are totally, um, unique. You're totally at home at parties where you can strut your wildthing self about and be loved for it.
Nutty - You're very random and very mad, but not in every way. You do have a slight (very slight) sane side, and when you can find it it's perfectly acceptable.
Complete and utter lunatic - Doesn't the name say it all? You're utterly barking mad and you love it that way. YOu may be just a little too over the top for some people, well most people, but to a select few you're perfect in every way.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Writing #2

I seriously need to write in my blog more often, whether there's an assignment or not, so I'm just going to use one of my characters from a web-comic [that I do not have the motivation to start XD] in a random position/situation.

Kei looked back into her blazing eyes unwaivering at the fact she was holding a sword to his chest, that sword being his own. Actually he was amused by this, "I guess you got me huh?" She smiled too. "I know you're better than this, why'd you hold back?" "I have my reasons", he replied. "Name one", she said. "Being who I am, I'd have to pay for repairs if I blew up the place." She smiled and said,"Yeah, that is true." She sheathed his sword and handed it to him forcefully, "Here, take it back." He took it into his hands, slung it on his back, and headed on his way. [end of scenario]

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dialouge With My Novel Character(s) and Web-comic Characters

"Well uh, what are your hobbies?", Claire asked.

"Well, I like to read, play soccer, and well, I don't really know what else", Yumi explained. "Her hobbies are torturing the weak!" Kei said at the same time. After she was done explaining she threw a book at his face and yelled, "WHAT WAS THAT YOU LITTLE PUNK!?" When he was sprawled on the ground he said, "See that Yuuka? That's what you call a retort! It's all about the timing~!"

"Riiiighhttt...", she said. "Yeah it get's pretty crazy around here", Sayuri replied. "And I learned what a retort was~!", Yuuka squealed.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Novel #5: Supporting Character

My supporting character's name is Daniel. He is 14 years old and 5"7. My supporting character is a halfling(human/demon). Daniel knows Claire as a close friend. They first met when he was all by himself and Claire helped him up. Daniel has light brown hair and bright amber eyes.He doesn't exactly have what you would call an 'exciting' personality because he's a very quiet person but he isn't always like that. Sometimes he smiles and sometimes he doesn't. Claire's family took him in so he lives with Claire's family. Daniel usually plays Kingdom Hearts 1&2 on the PlayStation 2 for fun. Daniel's favorite food is Potato Chips. His favorite movie is How to Train Your Dragon. His favorite TV show is Tower Prep on Cartoon Network. His favorite band is Three days Grace and his favorite song is "I Don't Care" by Apocalyptica. Naturally he can use magic better than everyone else because he's a halfling. After a bad day he feels better when he plays a video game with Claire. He doesn't get mad very often so it takes a whole lot to make him mad. The thing that makes him sad is when he's reminded that he has no real family, or so he thinks. He doesn't really have a family because his mom died when he was little and he doesn't really know where his dad is, so his only real family is Claire and her family. A secret he has never told anyone is that at night he looks different because of his demonic side, so he has black hair and emerald eyes. He is fun to be around sometimes when he's not so quiet. When they first meet him they don't really like him very much because halflings aren't exactly 'welcome', in fact even demons aren't welcome, but you get the point. The thing that I like about Daniel is his amber eyes and his use of magic. What I don't like about him is his silence![>XD] I think Daniel would like to go to Sonata, the land of eternal winter, which seems kind of strange considering it only snows there, but that's Daniel for you. Daniel's bedroom is actually quite boring, the walls are bare only covered with blue paint and nothing more because he doesn't do very much decorating. His bed is right by the window which is slightly to the right of the room. His bed sheets are navy blue with no designs on it, his pillow case is pure white, and he has a thick winter blanket that has a giant flower design on it in a soft blue scale[as in colors]. He also has a big closet that slides like the one in Claire's room to the left of the room. Just like all the other rooms the carpeting is plain and gray. Right next to his bed there is a small dresser with a lamp and a picture of his mother. The lamp is slightly rounded with red paint on it and a cover over it to protect your eyes when you look at it. Besides that there is also a desk in his room[likes Claire's room], but its on the left side of the room. The thing that annoys him is when the PlayStation freezes but otherwise he's fine. The best thing that ever happened to him was when Claire's family took him in when he had nowhere to go. The worst thing that ever happened to him was when his mother was killed by a demon, although he doesn't remember it very well. If he won the lottery he would probably give it away or store it somewhere. Daniel is the most afraid of hurting people around him so he tries to protect them as much as he can. More than anything he wants to see Claire achieve her dream because has none of his own.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Novel: Main Character Part 2

Claire usually reads a book or messes around on her laptop fun, sometimes she hangs out with her friend Daniel.  She absolutely loves pizza since she's a really picky eater. She doesn't have a favorite movie or TV show because she doesn't watch TV quite as much. Her favorite band is Evanescence and her favorite song is "Where Will You Go?". Her favorite book is The Beginner's Guide to Magic.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Novel #4: Main Character

The name of the main character for my novel is Claire. She is about 13 years old, soon to be 14, and 5"5. She is [if it isn't already obvious] human. She has long brown hair up to her waist with bangs that always hang over her eyes and the tips of her hair are slightly a golden color. Her hair is quite fine so it tends to get frizzy, especially in the winter. Her mom always bothers her about cutting it but she usually changes the subject or procrastinates by saying that she will get her haircut when really she won't.  She has also has pretty emerald eyes and red rosy cheeks with a bright smile that never fails to cheer someone up. She lives with her family[and Daniel] in the City of Ell which she enjoys very much. Note: That this doesn't take place in our own world but in a similar one. Claire is the best at mixing potions because she loves it so much. The thing that cheers her up on a bad day is going out for pizza. The thing that ticks her off the most is when people make fun of her and Daniel. The things that make her sad is when she sees Halflings [half demons] roaming around the city. He family isn't exactly what you would call a normal family. Her father can be a bit nutty sometimes but also pretty cool and her mother is really sweet and nice but can be a bit scatterbrained. Her mom has brown hair and hazel eyes she also smiles a lot. Her father has jet black hair and dark blue eyes[that she absolutely adores].  She also has younger brother the age of 13, whom she cares about very much, he is really nice and enjoys spending time with her. He has really dark brown hair and hazel eyes and he doesn't smile quite as much but Claire enjoys it when he does. The one thing that Claire has never told anyone was about the time when her brother was 10 and he jumped off a bridge. She can be very kind and a bit rough at times. Depending on their attitude towards Claire she can be really nice or she can be very mean. I can't really decide what I like about Claire, actually. I think I like her because she's an extraordinary and unique character but at the same time she still holds those familiar characteristics. What  I DON'T like about her? Hm, I can't really say. I think I dislike her because of the sly smile I used to draw her, which doesn't really fit her personality. Although that answer probably doesn't have to do with this whole post. Claire doesn't really like travelling very much, but I think she would at least like to visit the city of Arcadia. Her bedroom isn't really special, just an ordinary bedroom. The walls are just plain white, but she's planning to repaint it or put up some wallpaper, and she has a few anime posters on the walls but that's it. The carpeting is just a normal gray just like all the other rooms in the house. She has a medium sized bed with white bedsheets decorated with different kinds of flowers. It is to the left of the room. She also has a big slider closet made of wood and painted white that is parallel to her bed. In the closet is mostly coats, shirts, old costumes, and two bins filled with toys she almost never uses. She also had a dresser placed in the center of her room under the window. The dresser is made out of brown polished wood with old fashioned handles. She also has a small desk right next to her door that's only used for collecting dust because she only stuffs school papers, drawing utensils, and drawing notebooks in it most of the time. She can be really lazy cleaning it sometimes so it tends to pile up things like trash and dirty clothing. She's planning to make a schedule for cleaning her room on the weekends or when she has some free time. The thing that annoys her the most is when people call her emo. If Claire won the lottery I don't really know what she would do with it because I wouldn't either.